​Class Descriptions
Novice Obedience - for dogs and handlers that want to learn how to heel on leash, recalls, sit and stay.
Open Obedience - for dogs and handlers that have a solid foundation and want to learn more advanced exercise such as heel off leash, introduction to drop on recall, holding a dumbbell, high jump and broad jump introduction.
Utility Obedience - for dogs and handlers that have skills to move on to learning articles, directed jumping, signal exercises and gloves.
Advanced Obedience Open/Utility - for dogs and handlers that want to polish their heeling, recalls, fronts and finishes.
Puppy & Young Dog Advanced Skills - for dogs and handlers that want to improve their heel work and over all attention form the dog.
Puppy 1 Basic Obedience & Socialization - for puppies that need a first class to introduce them to various scenarios. Learn sit, start to walk on leash, learn 'place', leave it, and various other skills.
Starter Agility - for dogs and handlers that want to learn about agility and start to build a foundation for both dog and handler for the future in Agility.
Scent Hurdling - for dog and handlers that want to learn about scent hurdling and start to build a foundation.
CKC Scent Detection Level 1 - for dogs and people that want an introduction to Scent Detection.
Perfect Puppy - for dogs 7 months and under. Basic manners, obedience and socialization.
Good Dog - for dogs 7 months and over. Basic manners and obedience.
New class schedules can be found on our Facebook page.